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FAKE-news & GeDaPo

Bedriegen, Bedrog, Leugens, Vergrootglas, FilosofieFAKE-news.. het staat eind 2016 volop in de belangstelling. Er worden teveel leugens verspreid, actie moet worden ondernomen. De machtige overheden en nieuwsagentschappen slaan de handen ineen, een op te richten GeDaPo – een GedachtenPolitie zal de berichtgeving onder de loep nemen. – Het is alsof een slager zijn eigen vlees keurt.

our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, we are governed largely by men we have never heard of” – Edward Louis Bernays, Propagandaminister USA in WOI en Marketingkopstuk.

Al op zaterdag, 31 januari 2015 meldde het Engelse blad The Guardian dat het Engelse leger (naar voorbeeld van Israël en de USA) een propaganda-eenheid in de strijd werpt met social-media als slagveld. De 1.500 man sterke 77e brigade gaat op onder andere Facebook,  twitter en whatsapp  aan de slag om de publieke opinie te bespelen en de gewenste beeldvorming te kneden naar het gewenste model. Uw mening is waard om politiek correct gevormd te worden, alleen na-denken wordt toegestaan, ZELF-denken wordt een vergrijp!

FAKE-news = een Propagandatool en Leugen & bedrog in optima forma!

Hieronder – onverkort het verhaal als overgenomen van de stite van http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jan/31/british-army-facebook-warriors-77th-brigade?CMP=share_btn_fb

“The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare in the information age. The 77th Brigade, to be based in Hermitage, near Newbury, in Berkshire, will be about 1,500-strong and formed of units drawn from across the army. It will formally come into being in April.

The brigade will be responsible for what is described as non-lethal warfare. Both the Israeli and US army already engage heavily in psychological operations. Against a background of 24-hour news, smartphones and social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, the force will attempt to control the narrative. The 77th will include regulars and reservists and recruitment will begin in the spring. Soldiers with journalism skills and familiarity with social media are among those being sought.

An army spokesman said: “77th Brigade is being created to draw together a host of existing and developing capabilities essential to meet the challenges of modern conflict and warfare. It recognises that the actions of others in a modern battlefield can be affected in ways that are not necessarily violent.”

The move is partly a result of experience in counter-insurgency operations in Afghanistan. It can also be seen as a response to events of the last year that include Russia’s actions in Ukraine, in particular Crimea, and Islamic State’s (Isis) takeover of large swaths of Syria and Iraq. Nato has so far been unable to find a counter to what the US and UK claim is Russia creating unrest by sending in regular troops disguised as local militia, allowing president Vladimir Putin to deny responsibility.Isis has proved adept at exploiting social media to attract fighters from around the world.

The new brigade is being named the 77th in tribute to the Chindits, the British guerrilla force led by Maj Gen Orde Wingate against the Japanese in Burma during the second world war. Wingate adopted unorthodox and controversial tactics that achieved successes completely disproportionate to the size of his forces, sending teams deep into Japanese-held territory, creating uncertainty in the Japanese high command and forcing it to alter its strategic plans. In a nod to the Chindits, members of the 77th Brigade will have arm badges showing a mythical Burmese creature.

The aim is that the new force will prove as flexible as the Chindits in the face of the dizzying array of challenges being thrown up in the early part of this century. The creation of 77th Brigade comes as the commander of Nato special operations headquarters, Lt Gen Marshall Webb, speaking in Washington this week, expressed concern about Russia and about Isis.

“Special operations headquarters is uniquely placed to address this,” he said. “We tend to take an indirect approach. We can engage without being escalatory or aggressive. We tend to view things from an oblique angle, and we absolutely acknowledge that trust, information-sharing and interagency collaboration is crucial.”